The City of Rio Vista General Plan Update is now underway and this is an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of Rio Vista.

Rio Vista’s General Plan last comprehensive update was prepared in 2001 and the new General Plan will set a vision for year 2045!

The General Plan is the number one City document to direct how the community will develop and to guide City funding for community programs, infrastructure, roads and many other key City priorities.

We want to hear from the community to make sure your goals and interests are presented in the General Plan. There are three easy ways to participate in the General Plan update:

  1. Join us at a community workshop. The first workshops were held virtually on March 24 and 26, 2022. Two more workshops, in person, are planned for early Summer 2022. Watch for flyers and social media announcements soon.
  2. Go to to take a community survey, leave comments, or express support for comments by others. You will need to register with a personal email address at the MindMixer site.
  3. Go to the General Plan website at to view everything related to the General Plan update. Agendas, meeting notes and recordings from past meetings are posted here. Draft work products will also be posted on this site.


The role of the Planning Department is to assist the community in the creation and implementation of its vision for the future development of the City. This vision is documented in the City’s General Plan, which serves as the “Constitution for Development” for the City.  The Department is made up of two divisions, which have separate but related permitting processes.

Planning Division

The Planning Division staff provides technical assistance to the City Council and Commissions in the creation and implementation of city regulations, financial and administrative procedures, including review of the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and other land-use related laws. The Planning Division is responsible for reviewing development activities on private as well as public land, facilitating economic development and redevelopment, affordable housing, and assistance with planning the design of City-owned facilities.

Housing Element

The 2023- 2031 Rio Vista Housing Element is available for public review and comment.  The 2023- 2031 Housing Element Update is the City’s plan for addressing the housing needs of residents of all income levels in the city. The major updates and required changes are centered on the revised housing allocations based on the Regional Housing Needs Allocation, addressing Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in accordance with state law and a review of the success in meeting the goals and objectives of the previously adopted element. Consistent with AB 215, the Housing Element will be available for public comment for 30 days, from October 7, 2022 to November 6, 2022. City Staff will then have an additional 10 business days to consider and incorporate comments prior to submitting the Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a 90-day initial review of the document.

Permits and Fees

A variety of permits are required for both residential and commercial uses, construction, and development projects in the City. Prior to operating a business, taking tenancy in a secondary residential unit, or starting a construction project, please contact City staff to confirm whether you may need a permit. It is always better to err on the side of caution. We are here to give you backup support to ensure your business plans go as smoothly as possible and your construction project is built according to the latest building safety requirements and best quality.  WEBSITE

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